Opportunities for in-hive education
Compiled by Dr. Dewey Caron
There are three monthly in-hive opportunities that Master Beekeepers members might wish to join. All include open hive and great opportunity to ask questions.
OSU Friday in the Apiary – at Oak Creek Apiary, Corvallis. On OSU campus with OSU Bee Lab personnel. Off 36th avenue (enter apiary at bridge over Oak Creek). Sign up in advance required. More info here: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/mb/friday-apiary
Saturday in the Apiary – at Madras apiary of OSU with Heike Williams. On Route 26 exiting Madras. Sign up
First Saturday of the month starting in May (5/4/24) from 12:00pm to 2:00 pm– at OMB participant Miles Seeley’s apiary. 14495 NW Old Pumpkin Ridge Rd. North Plains (Make sure use ‘Old’ in address). Exit Rt 26 in North Plains, turn left on North Ave at T right onto Mountaindale then right onto old Pumpkin Ridge. At T turn left to stay on OLD Pumpkin Ridge. Mile’s driveway is after the curve. Several bee clubs have club apiaries. You need be a member of the club to attend most of these. In addition, check the website of local clubs – many host a bee day or a club picnic that involve a bee inspection opportunity.
Beekeeping Associations:
PUB 1st and 3rd Sundays 10-12 PUB apiary adjacent to Cathedral Park (beneath St John’s Bridge). Need be member of PUB and sign waiver.
PM establishing a club apiary at the donkey sanctuary PM Bee day is May 9th at Foothills Apiary, Colton (fee to attend)
TBA – Tillamook has a Saturday morning 10Am (begins April 27th) at club Apiary and garden center, Port of Tillamook. Go to events section of website https://tillamookbeekeepers.org/ to sign up
WVBA Bee day April 20th Consult website https://wvbahive.org for location.
Cascade Gorge (Hood River) Prior to monthly meetings, weather permitting, the bee colonies at Extension Center are opened and examined.
Coos Bay. Open hive in conjunction with Beekeeping course sat April Fee to attend. Apiary established at Extension Center.
Columbia County – bears found and (unauthorized) opened and destroyed colonies. Group often joins TVBA in their open hive events.
Southern Oregon Open hive event in conjunction with beekeeping course Sat Aril 20. Fee to attend.
Lane and Linn Benton join forces for a joint field day each summer.