Advertise your Bee School (compiled by Dr. Dewey Caron)
For next month I would like to help you advertise your bee school/bee events for new/les-experienced beekeepers in this space. Here are some early classes that will take place in early February.
The Portland Metro beekeeping group has one of the earliest bee courses. John Rockrohr, Our Biz is Bees, teaches Beekeeping at Clackamas Community College February 3rd and 10th. Topics will include; basic bee biology, proper equipment, handling of bees, hive pest and disease control, feeding, and more. Cost $50. This class typically sells out.
Another early class is the first of 2 offerings of Lane County. LANE COUNTY BEEKEEPERS IN-PERSON BEGINNING BEEKEEPING CLASS: Saturday, Feb 4, 2024 9:00am-1:00pm First Congregational Church, 1050 East 23rd St, Eugene. Class covers introduction to Beekeeping using Langstroth equipment (Top-bar, Warre & Treatment-free beekeeping NOT covered). What you need to know to be successful when you start your journey. Registration cost includes a 65-page LCBA Beekeeping Guide. Pre-Registration Required, Class size limited. Contact Pam Leaviitt. Phone: 541 344-4228 Email:
The WVBA Short course will be Mondays Feb 5, 12, 19 and 26 at Salem Evangelical Church. Cost is projected to be $65. There will be a follow up Bee day in April.
Umpqua Valley Beekeepers is offering a basic beginner class on February 10th, 10am – 1pm at the OSU Extension Auditorium in Roseburg. Sign up on OSU Extension $25.00. A bee field day will be June 8th.