Bee Schools around our region
Compiled by Dr. Dewey Caron
Last month four February Bee Schools/Events for new and less-experienced beekeepers were mentioned in this space. Here are some later February/March events. Next month we will feature April events.
- Central Oregon Beekeepers Association: March 9th, 2024 from 8:330 am to 3:30 pm. Space is limited!
- Hood River: Beekeeping 101 is a 3-hr course on the basics of beekeeping intended to provide the new beekeeper with sufficient information to step into the fascinating world of the six-legged insect. Saturday, March 2, 2024 from 9 am to noon. Hood River Extension, 2990 Experiment Station, Hood River OR. Register here:
- Klamath Basin Bee School classroom session is March 16, from 9 am to 4 pm. Ther will be a field day in the club apiary some time after that.
- Linn Benton Beekeepers Association: Bee School – Learn the Art of Beekeeping, February 224, 2024 from 9 am to 3 pm. Corvallis Waldorf School, 3855 NE Hwy 20, Corvallis OR. To register email
- Portland Urban Beekeepers (PUB): If you’re interested in bees and want to learn more about how to become a backyard beekeeper, this Bee School will be a great tool to help you get started. Experienced beekeepers and mentors from the Portland Urban Beekeepersclub will be providing instruction and training and will help you through the common questions and concerns of a beginner beekeeper. How much space do you need? What kinds of equipment? How much will it cost? What can you expect your first year? How and where do you get bees? And so much more! Registration ($110) class Saturday February 24th 9am to 5pm at Tabor Space (5441 SE Belmont St, Portland, Oregon). If you can’t make the in-person class you can view a recording of the class.
- Tillamook: Want to learn more about bees? Sign up for our next class at; February 17th, 2024 from 1 pm to 3:30 pm
- TVBA Beginners Short Course March 8, 9, and 11th. Look for registration info on the website and in the newsletter. Also planning a pre-nuc delivery field day and post-nuc installation field day.
- Willamette Valley Beekeepers: the WVBA short course will continue on Mondays Feb 5, 12, 19 and 26 at Salem Evangelical Church, 455 Locust St. 7-9PM. Cost $65. There will be a follow up Bee day in April. for complete details